GCC Standardization Organization

3D Letters Signages

Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to enhance the corporate identity and visual presence of the Gulf Cooperation Council Standardization Organization (GCCSO). The work includes the design of raised letter signs in a professional and proficient style that reflects the organization’s role in the field of standardization and quality. The materials and colors are carefully selected to ensure the distinctiveness and attractiveness of the signs. In addition, the signs are manufactured and installed with precision on the buildings or designated locations, with a focus on quality and durability in the presentation. This project aims to enhance and promote the image of the GCCSO and effective communication with the public and customers.


Technical Details

  • Design: The sign features an eye-catching design that aligns with brand guidelines, incorporating advanced design techniques to ensure its appeal and visual impact.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing involves precise cutting and shaping of letters using state-of-the-art laser, plasma, and router machines, with an emphasis on high quality and attention to detail.
  • Materials: The sign uses galvanized steel for the letter bodies to ensure durability and longevity, paired with acrylic letter faces for an attractive and durable appearance.
  • Lighting: High-quality Korean-made LED lights are integrated within the letters, with a balanced distribution of lighting to enhance the sign’s visibility and visual appeal.
  • Installation: The sign is mounted on a Forex base for strong support and stability and is strategically placed to maximize visibility and visual impact.

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